Make inclusive play a part of tomorrow as well as today

In 2001 a group of students noticed the lack of opportunities for children with additional needs to take part in sport and games. 22 years later, Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (KEEN) has supported hundreds of children to take part in fun and games, make friends and learn new things.  Through setting up KEEN London, our original volunteers provided a more inclusive future for disabled children in London and we want to ensure the service we all love and enjoy is still here in 20 years.

KEEN London is funded entirely by donations. While a large proportion of our funding is from Trusts and Foundations we also rely on the wonderful people who make a regular monthly donation, sponsor a friend, donate in our annual Big Give appeal or run a marathon for us.  These sources of income ensure our work can continue when shorter term funding runs out.  Gifts in wills and donations in lieu of flowers are all massive sources of income for many charities generating over £3 billion a year for good causes.

We understand that family and loved ones always come first but please take a moment to remember a charity and ensure the work you support and are passionate about continues.

To speak to us about leaving a gift in your will, about donations in lieu of flowers or to take advantage of our free will writing service with our partners Free Wills please contact our Fundraising Manager, Kirstie or find out more about our will writing service here.

Making a gift in your will

KEEN London is part of the Remember A Charity campaign, a group of 200 member charities working together to encourage more people to leave a gift in their Will for the causes that are a big part of their life.

Legacy giving has risen by 43% over the past decade with 29% of the population including a gift for charity in their will.  It is often the larger ‘well known’ charities that benefit more from gifts in wills but as a smaller local charity a gift in your will of any size could make a huge difference to the service we can deliver for tomorrows athletes.

For more information check out Remember A Charity’s guide on making a Will.